SSS New Year Picnic 2080

  • 4/15/2023
  • 999 E Caribbean Dr, Sunnyvale, CA 94089

About the Event

Sunny Sagarmatha Samaj’s signature event is the Nepali New Year Picnic, which is dedicated to promoting and preserving Nepalese culture and traditions in the Bay Area, California. The event is held annually, and it features a wide range of activities, including traditional Nepalese food, games, music, dance, and networking opportunities. With more than 2000 people in attendance, the Nepali New Year Picnic is one of the largest gatherings of the Nepalese community in the Bay Area, and it is considered a huge success.

frequently asked questions

Is there entry fee for kids & seniors?

No. Kids under age of 10 & seniors over the age of 65 will be admitted for FREE.

  • Time : 11:00 am - 8:00 pm (America/Los_Angeles)

Registration Deadline Expired!!